
Looking for a Greenlandic speaker

Difference between Spanish Spanish and Mexican Spanish?

Please help - learning english from serbocroatian

How do I clarify in Spanish

Reasonable New Years Goals

How would I read カツ丼?

Learning languages with the Phonetic Alphabet.

How to figure out which language to study?

Learning all four main Romance languages AT ONCE? (New-ish ~800pg comparison book)

Everyday / Basic / Common Nouns (Missing Anything?)

African Names

Anyone that knows what the symbol on this bracelet means?

What is your target language better at (or what can only be done in your target language) than English?

Learn japanese as a german?

Learn japanese as a german?

At or about?

Would learning Spanish hinder my French progress?

As we approach the final hours of 2018, what were some great memories in your language learning experience? What are your resolutions for 2019?

Are there any words with opposing gender pronouns in different languages?

The Irish Language (Gaelic)

when do you guys decide to add new words to your decks?

Poll: What methods do you use for language learning?

Is there a Germanic language that helps you understand the Germanic side of English like Latin does for the Romance side?

Spanish or French?

Who has tried babbel ?

This week's language of the week: Happy New Year!

Beginner/Intermediate German Video Sources

Gothic Pronunciation: Vowels, Diphthongs, Consonants

Bizarre New Year’s Traditions from Around the World and What to Say While Celebrating

Is it possible to learn too much?

Question about subtitles

How an Indian man taught himself to fluency (Arabic)

Should Portuguese become an official language of the UN?

Mandarin and Korean together?

Why is Russian an official UN language?

New Year Resolutions: please, feel free to share, whether it will be briefly or at large.

Any idea why there is no Norwegian Rosetta stone? Or why so many other popular apps do not support Norwegian?

Seeking oral/vocal LLA

Do you think it's possible to become fluent in a foreign language without actually living abroad?

Has anyone used Ouino to learn a language and if so what are your thoughts?

Victory Mondays - Share us your successes! December 31, 2018"

difference between と and で?

Are non-SRS flashcard programs ineffective?

Anyone studying Spanish on Duolingo?

1,000 word army

How long does it take to memorise and learn a word?

Glossika algorithm vs. Anki algorithm?

Made a Video on Basic Quechua Pronunciation and Grammar!

How early should you start to consume native materials? Also, should you use subs in your native langauge or only use subs in L2 despite not knowing much?

Looking for new study material

I am learning Russian and every single Russian speaking person I talk to almost has to ask why I am learning it.

Can anyone recommend a good book for a 13 y/o English learner?

Best way to learn german from scratch?

Mutual intelligibility between Uzbek and Uyghur?

Enlisting in the Army and need your advice/help!

Question about learning multiple languages

New Year's vocabulary in Finnish :) Kippis!

No longer consuming media in native language

How do your languages affect your accent?

Anyone got any good bilingual jokes

Are there free university abroad? [Korea]

Tips for learning a second language?

What new language are you going to learn for the new year?

How can I practice speaking English?

Have you ever learned to speak a language yourself and then been compliment on "how Native" you sound when you visit the country?

Cool mobile apps and youtube channels for learning Japanese?

How can I memorize specific English words while I'm not in a English-speaking country?

Can I do this too? 26 foreign language books this year (French, Chinese, Indonesian).

Anyone have experience with Tandem?

Having some troubles in learning Hangul

Anyone used uTalk?

Weekly Question/Discussion Thread - December 30, 2018

Arabic Text-to-Speech (TTS) Engine?

Suggest a fantasy book written in your native language

Learning Afrikaans online?

Just got Rosetta Stone and have questions..

A new Slavic Discord server (languages and culture)

Found this old gem

Review of Barry Farber's "How to Learn Any Language"[University of Washington]

Learning French (intensive course in France Nice) to take TCF/TEF Canada

What are the differences between y and yr in Welsh?

What is the best way to learn Tagalog?

Finally feel like I’m on the right track

Subversive for Beginners?

Duolingo Japanese: making sure no possible phase gets left behind

Which concept (cases, tones, agglutination etc) of a language you've learned that's NOT present in your native language(s) has been the most challenging to learn?

I am Polish, I want to learn Russian. Can I do it all by myself, or should I seek a teacher?

Writing a diary in your target language

English is hard. Here, let Gallagher explain.

Does being born in a country usually make an immigrat child exempt from ESL courses or should teachers ask what language they speak at home and test them?

Progression with French language apps

[POLL] The most beautiful sounding European language

Can anyone tell me what this means??

Is hearing, not listening, to our target language even helpful?

I developed language courses for Teach Yourself, Duolingo and Pod101, this is my AMA [xpost]