Question about subtitles

I know this question probably gets posted like 5 times a week, but I still wanted to ask.

So, I'm learning Italian in school and currently I'm on level A1/A2. Lately, I watched some movies in Italian and I also set my PS4 to Italian. I tried both English dub/Italian sub and Italian dub/Italian sub. With the former, I noticed that I picked up a lot more words -- for example, the person says "tell me" and I read "dirmi", so I know that dirmi means tell me. However, I really need to train my listening -- I suck so much. So I tried the latter for a few hours and the problem is just that I don't understand anything. Even the words that I do pick up on, I just don't know them so I don't know if this is beneficial to me at all. The other way, I don't train my listening which is vital to me

I don't really want to try Ita dub/Eng sub because I'm sure I will only concentrate on the subtitles instead of the things that are being spoken.

What you guys recommend me to do?

submitted by /u/Muke_2904
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from Тавтай морилогтун | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
