Progression with French language apps

Hi all,

I have recently been learning French using a combination of Duolingo, Memrise, Anki, and Babbel. What I have found is that even though my vocabulary seems to be increasing I would never be able to form sentences or remember what I have learnt outside of those apps. For example, I can recognise the words just fine in the context of the app, but if I were to go and practice my French on someone I wouldn’t be able to produce any sentences.

Does anyone have any suggestions to help me improve - or is it a case of just keep going and be patient with these resources. (I find that reading would not be much help as an absolute beginner, and watching shows in my target language may only be of use with English subtitles).

submitted by /u/Vanilla-Gorilla95
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from Тавтай морилогтун | Languagelearning
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