
Personal Language Learning Techniques. Training to be Polygot (My New YouTube Channel)

Help deciding on language (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese) and stop procrastinating?

Would you say this guy's English is close to native?

When English fused with other Germanic languagues

Does anyone feel they don't have much of a chance to use their language?

Fast Learning/ Alot of free time

Best resources for learning Arabic?

What languages did you enjoy learning the most or least?

News aggregators for smart phones/tablets

Help - mixing up French and Spanish

Help with Korean vowels (ㅔ) and (ㅐ)?

Anyone here learned Persian?

I spent two weeks intensely learning Polish independently. Here's my experiences

Best translator + check letters

Hæ, góðan dag!

Hello. I'm trying to learn how to teach English as a second language. Where do I start? What resources should I use? Any rare resources out there?

Should you keep pressing ahead to read a book if you are struggling through it?

Learning Korean and French at once. For 2 years. Is that a good idea since both language has nothing in common?

Amazon Alexa Language Learning
