
What sound do make use if you don’t know what word to say?

Is it possible or advisable to learn 2 languages at once?

Am I learning the correct way through immersion?

Should I make another Anki deck?


What should I do?

Does anyone ever feel hopeless?

Discouraged. Ideas?

Do anybody else stutter more frequently when having a conversation with native speakers in their target language?

Foreign Language Equivalents to Leapfrog?

Which language allows you to express yourself the deepest and most intimately.

Reading articles…

Advice about language choice

How often do you relisten to audio Material?

Anyone else understand their TL way better than they can speak it?

Language Learning Processes: Interviews and Surveys

What were your personal milestones of achievement?

Do you also study your language like that?

I severely lack motivation

What fun activities can I do with my SO to help them practice their second language?

Is it a good idea to learn vocabulary (e.g. with Anki) while listening to lofi music or ost of some franchise in general (so music without lyrics)

Should I really spend that much time trying to learn something that might not be that useful?

How can I improve speaking language?

Why nobody talks about Linga?

Can anyone read what this says? Thanks!

What did you listen to once you understood most “general” content?

Rosetta Stone

What do you think about Sistema Kalinka books?

The guaranteed way to make immersion work starting from A0. (click for description)

Is there a difficult language that is easy if you just learn to speak it?

I’ve started working in my target language country and I don’t feel like anything is sinking in yet

Language In Terms Of Difficulty

25 Aug: UKRAINE ERRINGT ERFOLGE! - Großes PROBLEM für die Russische Defensive (Frontline-Bericht)

Learning Two foreign languages at the same time

Effective listening practice

I feel like I am wasting my life.

Learning new languages

Looking to learn languages online- any reccomendations?

Improving beyond assumed high level?

How can i learn a language properly?

University Language Degrees are a joke

What would be the best way to start learning a completely new language?

Speaking a foreign language overrated. Understanding is not.

Name the effect

novel recommendations

How to minimize inference from my first language?

Unlock the Future of Language Learning with VRChat!

Learning two languages at once?

Audio-only flashcard apps?

I can’t write any of the characters

Apologies if this has been asked before. Out of Azerbaijani and Uzbek I am curious which has the most Persian vocabulary?

Multi-language Keyboard Recommendation? (Android)

What's a grammatical mistake that's so common that people don't even think it's a mistake?

What 2 languages, if mixed together, would have the most annoying or tough grammar?

"How many words do I need to know in Japanese?"

Would language professors help students who don’t take their classes?

How do you say the decimals in your native language and target languages?

A powerful combination to lear languages by reading books: read lang, read pronunciation

Language interference?

Assimil books - Review

I'm bored with Duo - for now, anyway. What do you switch it up with?

Choosing a second Romance language

Is Rosetta Stone Lifetime Subscription $79 worth it?

Why are sayings formulated different, in different languages?

Any advice on how to get past beginner/intermediate?

Would reading an entire dictionary in a TL help with fluidity?

How easy is it to read native handwriting in your TL compared to the printed/digital writing? What shortcuts do people do do when writing, like joining diacritics or otherwise distorting the script for ease and speed when writing by hand?

My beef with immersion-only learners

Is it common to identify rightness with goodness?

Writing software

Tandem Conversations Moving to WhatsApp?

Qioz - Free app/site to learn 7 languages with video clips, quizzes, games, progress tests (EN, ES, PT, ZH, FR, DE, LSF)

What is a practical way to master a language considering that I can’t meet native speakers?

Is it inappropriate to imitate a regional accent?

Type which language(s) you're learning, and I'll tell you a reason why I think it's amazing!

lack of discussion topics with my tutor

Apps like Hellotalk but exclusively for texting?

whats the best program for learning continuing a language

Folk, singular?

Advice on Encouraging Difficult Language-Learning for Children

Anki or AnkiApp For Flashcards?