Language In Terms Of Difficulty

So hi, I'm Iqra, I'm Somali and currently studying three languages, Mandarin, Cantonese and Korean. So I was curious about all the other Somalis that are polyglots that think Somali is a generally really hard language, because like Mandarin, Somali has tones, all the hard sounds in Arabic, irregular plurals like in German and Arabic, and uses cases like Greek/German.

And our prepositions are probably the most complicated. Somali is a language that my friends have tried studying, and complained about. Though there are only four prepositions, they include two thingies (i forgot what they're called) that indicate location relative to the speaker, like people from Mogadishu (capital of Somalia) speak relatively different to people from Hargeisa and Buroo (parts of Somaliland). Like with "chir" which means 'to be', people from Mogadishu pronounce 'ch' sounds as 'J' as in 'jir'.

Like as an example, when I studied French I could watch television and read Harry Potter novels in French. Somali has not yet achieved this level of proliferation and hasn’t even decided on a consistent spelling system. So I wanted to hear your guys' opinions, maybe native Somali speakers or people that learnt Somali as a second language and how hard it seems compared to others. Thanks for reading!!

submitted by /u/VisualVideo7557
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