
My baba recently passed so I can’t ask her. When I was young and learning languages and cultures in elementary I learned my babas background was Hungarian/Ukrainian. Naturally as a young child I asked her to teach me something in her native language. She said (excuse the spelling) “Jakai Jakai”. When I asked her what that meant she just said “it’s just something people say Jakai, Jakai”. I’ve tried googling endlessly even translating my voice into every translator I could find nothing really gets me anywhere. I’m really hoping someone can inform me more about this saying ? Proper spelling and what it means. She was 94 years old so it might be a generational thing ? I don’t know. The pronunciation I believe is (JUH-K-EYE) , or (JAH-KI).

submitted by /u/No-Perspective-97
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via Learn Online English Speaking
