Am I learning the correct way through immersion?

I moved to Spain last month and got a job last week speaking my target language. I do 48 hours a week, only speaking in my target language with my coworkers except for when I really struggle understanding. I’m aware my spanish is broken and I’m making a lot of errors, but my coworkers have been extremely patient with me and haven’t been overly correcting me.

Before this job, I was mental on duolingo, doing 2-3 units a day. I have also been consistently watching European Spanish shows on netflix and I’m only now starting to switch to Spanish subtitles.

Anyway, I’m still not feeling like anything is sinking in yet. I’m so exhausted outside of work that I’m barely doing a lesson a day on duolingo. I’m worried I’m not learning words anymore because I don’t feel like anything is sinking in yet. Is total immersion meant to be effective?

submitted by /u/cheapsavouries
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
