
To those of you studying with books: Do you have a favorite resource for learning languages or do you look up different resources for every single language you learn?

French dialects question

Reading Strategies...

Can you get used to movies/series even if you can't understand many things at the beginning?

Discussion: You can't teach someone to a C2 level

Hello,i know already 2 languages.Can you help me learn Korean?

Where to get Paul Noble/Michel Thomas French free?

I found an app on the internet, it is very good, it intends to use YouTube to improve its pronunciation in English. With over 30M of tracks, YouGlish gives you quick and unbiased answers on how English is spoken by real people and in context.

Any other heritage speakers with American accents? Advice on how to improve pronunciation?

Does anyone know where I can buy books in Uyghur online?

What are some good resources to learn Crimean Tatar? Каковы хорошие ресурсы для изучения крымскотатарского языка?

Weekly Question/Discussion Thread - November 18, 2018

So I managed to get 25 students in my college to join my tiny little Foreign Language Club. I'm thinking of having a "Language of the Week" event or programme similar to what r/languagelearning currently has now. How can i implement it? Any other events can I plan?

Singing Rise In 11 Different Languages With Zero Singing Skills

App/books to translate in target language

Tips for Chinese

Trying to find article about language acquisition where there are example texts with made-up words

What's your opinion on Wouter Corduwener?

Does this resource exist: Text with translation and verbal pronunciation?

Struggling with oral comprehension