
How to best use Beelinguapp?

Best sources for learning welsh in the USA?

Russian number format?

Dravidian Language Learning and Conversation Discord Server

Anything wrong with primarily focusing on input?

Why is it "easier" to learn a language when you are younger?

Alternatives to Anki

Pimsleur & DuoLingo for French?

Any recommendations for online Italian learning for a 3rd grader? Could be an adult resource would work just as well. Paid service is fine. Thanks!

I Just Discovered AI Dungeon Can Do Other Languages!

Hi all, learning A new language.

I am torn between Spanish and German - I struggle to stay with one.

So this is how you check an aptitude for languages...

French, German, Italian, Spanish?

I have a monolingual inferiority complex.

I need help to english

Favorite Proverb(s)

Flashcard language app/site

Aloha - This week's language of the week: Hawaiian!

Learning German Casually

French for lazy 16 year old boy.

Atlas of everyday German language (more in comments)

Was wondering what language levels are able to understand the title of this post and its content matter (Understanding scrambled/jumbled words with the first as last letter kept the same). Also, does this work in other Latin Languages?

Looking for a Swedish/German tandem partner

Ka Leo ʻŌiwi | Episode 1 - a short series teaching conversational Hawaiian

For those learning Portuguese, this site has daily crosswords in easy, medium and hard. A nice way to mix things up!

I found a jackpot of foreign movie dubs, but where are they getting them??

Estonian resources

what's a better language to learn french or spanish?


Writing prompt: a day at a theme park

I'm planning on studying college in Canada, should I study French?

Has anyone here used GLOSS/DLI OLR for Pashto?

Pimsleur charged me for free trial

Anyone else think that Hebrew sounds like French people trying to speak Arabic?

Convince me to learn the language you are learning!

[Learn Vietnamese] Vietnamese Vocabs about Photography

To anyone studying 2 languages at the same time, how do you do it effectively? I am interested in 2 languages, but they are completely different from each other.

Differences of Spanish and Portuguese Across the Continents

A language pal?

Is anyone familiar with Gaulish pronunciation? I'm wondering how this word is pronounced

Just speaking and reading?

How can I stop translating sentences in my head?

Lesser Known/Studied Languages

The Library of English Language Teachers and Learners

Well, after a year of wondering.. I just got Rosetta Stone Lifetime w Unlimited Languages. For now I’ll be using it on the mobile app. Any advice? Any tips?

Reading in your target language - advice please!

Insert 'Antwort auf Danke' here

How should I go about reviewing, vocabulary especially?

Which language is hard to learn for u?

How was/is your experience with Italki?

Classic Duolingo

Classic Duolingo

What is the best intermediate-advanced Spanish learning program for a Latino (desperate to be fluent)?

Whats the best way to learn german when I have a B1 level in dutch?

App for learning Gujarati/Sanskrit/Punjabi/Hindi

I need a little bit of guidance in learning my target language (Russian).

Does anyone know what this means? I’m not sure what language it is or what it means and was just wondering...

Resources for learning Maltese

How do people learn a language from a teacher who doesn’t speak their language well?

Between Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, and Russian as a pre-health college student.

Do you think that a daily speaking comprehension lesson with a teacher on iTalki would be beneficial or would daily be too many lessons in a short time?

Anyone tried?: Pimsleur (Castilian Spanish)

With a Friend

What do you think about Glossika?

What do you first write in journals once beginning to learn a new language?

How should I go about starting Hindi?

Hebrew has been discontinued at my university and now I have to switch to another language. Help!

I found a channel that has videos on the sounds of languages. Includes basic words, phrases and numbers.

¡Hola! Quiero continuar aprender español y ahora busco un libro para esto, por nivel cerca de A2 o B1.

Is There Any Way I Can Get Rid Of My Foreign Accent?

How to stop to formulate every sentence in my second language just exactly like I would do it in my native language?

Online essay corrections?


I feel like I can't learn a language due to ingrained beliefs/attitudes

Ya Nabi Salam Alaika in Arabic Language

Active learning and learning actively how to speak French

Want to learn chinese (Pinyin)

Found this article today and thought you guys might appreciate it.

Any online Mandarin resources taught in a similar style to Japanese from Zero (YesJapan)