Any online Mandarin resources taught in a similar style to Japanese from Zero (YesJapan)

Last week I spent some time delving into youtube videos about Japanese when I came across the "Learn Japanese from Zero" channel and fell in love with George's teaching style. He explains things so clearly and makes understanding the structure of Japanese alongside drilling in vocabulary and the like really easy and quick to grasp, and he not only teaches you the basics but includes useful examples and phrases for everyday speech instead of rigid, textbook speech. As well, his teaching style is very relaxed, almost as if you were sitting in a Japanese class speaking with a friendly teacher.

However, I decided that while I like Japanese, I'm going to focus my energy on learning Mandarin for the time being because it's much more applicable where I live. Does anyone know of video resources in a similar style to "Learn Japanese from Zero"? I'm tired of seeing stiff Mandarin learning videos that have no personality and don't explain concepts with enough depth.

I know George has mentioned that he was thinking of making a "Chinese from Zero" but it obviously hasn't been made yet.

submitted by /u/arinbntt
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