How to stop to formulate every sentence in my second language just exactly like I would do it in my native language?

I don’t know if i’m the only one in this, but when it gets to explain something or tell a story, I just do it exactly in the same order as if I would do it in my native language. Even if people say, that I don’t have an accent, you could notice that the way I explain things, makes me sound weird. In german for ex. some of my classmates, which were natives, don’t even had to finish the sentences, because the teacher were getting the rest of the message through guessing/presuming. So when it’s my turn, I might sound a little – what the he** is he talking about? How can someone learn the native way to explain something or the order of sentences to tell a history. I actually love telling funny histories, but formulation is killing al the humor.

submitted by /u/kudummie
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from Góðan dag | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
