¡Hola! Quiero continuar aprender español y ahora busco un libro para esto, por nivel cerca de A2 o B1.

I'd like to continue learning Spanish; I've already learned some in school and think I'd be somewhere between A2 and B1.

For context, I just watched the Disney movie Coco and think I'd like to focus more on Mexican or Latin American Spanish, as opposed to that of Spain, if at all possible. I'm looking for a book, because I'm used to working with books and might go back to taking classes at some point.

Also, reading easy texts would be fun too.

Any recommendations? I did see a number of things in the wiki, but I'm not sure if those are right for me? Is there a good self-study book with a combination of vocabulary, grammar and reading?

¡Muchas gracias!

submitted by /u/Party-Permission
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from Góðan dag | Languagelearning https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/gsr55k/hola_quiero_continuar_aprender_español_y_ahora/
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