Active learning and learning actively how to speak French

I already posted this in another, sub, but here it goes...

I would like to learn to speak French in everyday situations like talking to people, giving directions, dealing with costumers and tourists, providing information, etc. - aka, learn to use French in a hospitality/costumer service and provider-type of work (it might be a plus for employment in an area that generally has many tourists).

But here's the thing...being Portuguese (it has a few similarities in prose, structure and even idioms) and having studied it a little while I was younger makes me be able to understand written text and some spoken dialogue but it all comes crashing down when I try to create words on the spot. In short, I have a limited passive knowledge of the language, but little to no active one.

What I would like to know is how to stretch that active muscle and learn to use the language actively, and preferably, orally. I'd like to know if you can provide me with resources, apps, systems or methods that can help with that, stuff that has worked for you all. Active learning will also probably involve speaking to French natives or people who speak it, thus I'm guessing video classes and apps for that end will be required.

If it's not too much hassle, I'd also like to know if you follow any programs or schedules, since I'm fairly disorganized person and a system will benefit me. I also wouldn't mind knowing about similar methods or apps that can do the same for Spanish (but I know this isn't probably the most adequate place).

I hope I'm not asking too much...

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/yamimakai
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from Góðan dag | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
