Learning German Casually

I am a casual German learner, and only started very recently. I am doing it as a surprise for my anniversary, however it is about 6 months away now... I am practicing using Duolingo (repairing every golden lesson and getting a crown everyday) and recently started using the free version of busuu too, I dont expect to become fluent, but I would love to be able to have a decent amount of vocabulary in order to have casual conversations. I am currently on a 20 day streak on Duolingo and a 3 day streak on Busuu, almost completed up until the first checkpoint in Duolingo. Is this enough? I would also love to read a bit in German, but every free book pdf I have found is too complex for me, and I also looked at the free courses http://Goethe.de offers. Any tips?

submitted by /u/Cicolino123
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