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Cheap used books in foreign languages!!

Learning enough to move

Langauge planner

Creating Minimal Pairs Pronunciation Trainers for Target Language

Are the Tatoeba sentences trustworthy?

Improve or start a new one?

Advanced Vocab & Learning?

Learning Italian

I created a resource hub for those who like learning languages via playing video games.

Tok Pisin: The English-Based Creole of Papua New Guinea

Weekly Question/Discussion Thread - August 26, 2018

Languages of Switzerland - A Polyglot Paradise?

Pimsleur or other language learning courses. (Norwegian)

Raising bi or trilingual children when target languages are not the parents native languages?

Learning a language via movies and series - please, advice me.

I understand my parents language although I can't speak their language very well. How to train it up?

Will Rosetta Stone work well with Busuu?

Does anyone else feel their spelling is better when they are typing than when writing by hand?

Best app to learn a language?