

Tell us why you love your language of choice!

Any good podcasts for learning languages?

Is Drops a good app to use for learning European Portuguese?

La Différence Capitale Entre Accent et Prononciation

Which one do you think it's easier to learn English or Afrikaans?

I can't form sentences during speaking

I need to learn as much practical Spanish in exactly a week before I move. What method/resources should I use to get the best results?

Weekly Question/Discussion Thread - October 07, 2018

Looking for Spanish Latin language shows/film to help with familiarity. What do you like?

How I became a Polyglot in one day...

Our Language in Your Hands. Three 28 min. episodes from BBC Radio with anthropologist and linguist Dr Mark Turin who works with other linguists to monitor and preserve disappearing languages.

Need advice for leaning a language with mental disabilities.

Is there anyone want to learn Chinese?

Advanced tips for learning a language fast?

Lingoda Marathon question

The Duolingo challenge

How Broken Grammar Goes Hand-in-Hand with Cultural Misunderstanding

Learn Chinese by studying proverbs (aka chengyu)

Korean for Japanese speakers