Need advice for leaning a language with mental disabilities.

I need some advice with learning Japanese. I suffer from Alpha/Numeric dyslexia and short term memory loss.

The issue i'm having is that the moment I close textbooks, I've already ready forgotten the vast majority of the contents. And with the dyslexia. While I can recognise hiragana if I see it. The moment I attempt to write it, my mind just draws a complete blank. I have the same issue with English. As a result, trying to learn through writing just doesn't work.

People have suggested I try mnemonics, however I simply can't remember these long enough for them to stick.

With English I've managed to reach a usable level through patient tutors, shear repetition and being constantly surrounded by it. Unfortunately I simply don't have to money to spend on a tutor for the amount of time that would be required and I don't have the time to sit around repeating the same word over and over again every day in hopes it sticks.

My written English is not good enough for one the programs that let native speakers teach each other and there isn't anyone know that speaks Japanese for me to practice with.

Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/Bradach93
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from Yá'át'ééh | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
