
Шäлä! - This Week's Language of the Week is Mari!

Intermediate Chinese learner thinking about picking up Japanese

A small guide to better your English

Best Tiny Cards Alternative

Is there any limit or recommendation for how much words can I learn a day?

What are your favorite ways to casually learn a language?

Completely free apps or other methods?

Learning to read and write my mother tongue (Kannada)

I want to learn Korean and my girlfriend wants to learn Italian.

Should I get the premium subscription of Memrise or Lingq ? Which one is more effective out of two ?

I'm taking FCE Cambridge exam soon...

Looking for Discord servers to practice English

Considering Learning Navajo. Any advice?

What jokes use more than one language?

How do I know if I am buying a book that IS suitable for my current level??

Why is that many words in a language do not have a distinct meaning but we know when and how to use them?

Arabic dialect chatbot

Here’s a good blog for learning Korean.

Success story of achieving fluency in a second language

Writing prompt: fictional heroes - tell me about your sidekick (encore III)