
Can anyone provide me kids Spanish books?

What app lets you put in your own phrases and then to remember them, you have to put the words in the correct order?

Fed up with language learning materials.

Writing prompt: quotable quotes

I realized a cool landmark of learning

How I learned Korean

I actually do love it

Looking to learn Hebrew.

When to start a third language

Feeling like a snob when I speak about languages to non-language people

"The Passive Learning Trap" and how to maybe avoid it

Whst book is this?

Useful advanced listening material for Japanese

Pronunciation of the name "Lkhadulam"

Persian 'Urban Dictionary'

Favorite Russian Media?

How should I start learning French?

What is subjectively the most fun language to speak AND write?

Anyone have any advice for someone trying to learn a bunch of languages at the same time?

Any Native English Speaker Can Help?