How should I go about reviewing, vocabulary especially?

(Forgive me, I am new to learning languages and I don’t know anything about how to study them.)

I am making a study plan for Japanese, and since there are thousands of kanji (and normal words not including kanji) I will have to learn, I should review them along with other material like grammar frequently. This especially applies to vocabulary though. Of course, I will stumble across kanji/words I recognize all the time and recognizing it or using those words will strengthen my ability to use them but there will be words I wont use as often. How should I review all of these words in a way where I can learn new words but also review the older ones and keep everything fresh in my mind at once? Or will the review load just build up until I completely master words and dont need to review them as often anymore, eventually taking them out until I have mastered all of them?

submitted by /u/Hyperthai
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