I am torn between Spanish and German - I struggle to stay with one.

I’ve gone back and forth numerous times between German and Spanish. I have a hard time sticking with one. I’m currently in the US. I work in a regular office job.

Spanish would obviously be the most beneficial for me being in the US. I would have a much higher chance of using it in a everyday scenario. I would imagine it would be an easier path. My grammar is not good in English. I’ve heard German grammar is no joke. But, I’m not really a fan of Spanish. I guess I don’t really have a “love” of the language.

German has always interested me. I always enjoyed how it sounded. I’m a history fan, so many parts of German history would be so much more interesting with a background of the language. I know some view the pronunciation as hard, but I found I was doing ok in my brief learnings. Felt like it came very natural when I spoke with a German accent. But, I doubt I would find much use in my day to day life. That’s what holds me back from really dedicating myself. Am I going to invest my time into something that won’t give me much use?? I then sway myself into learning Spanish again. This has been the struggle. Any advice. šŸ¤—

submitted by /u/the-scrooge
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