Writing prompt: a day at a theme park

No responses at all to last week's poll, so a new prompt this week! This one is based on an anonymous suggestion through the poll form.

Writing in your target language, of course, either as yourself or within a favourite fictional world, tell me about a day at a theme park.

Whether you're just starting out and giving it a go with "I like Disneyland. I want to go to Disneyland." or you've been learning a while and want to enthuse in detail about the thrill rides at the theme parks on the Gold Coast, or delve into a fictional world and tell us about how you've just arrived at Hedgewick's World of Wonders and nothing is quite how it should be - give it a go writing as much as you can!

I do a creative fiction themed writing prompt post at about this time every week. Join this chat if you'd like to be notified with a link when the weekly post goes up.

Want a say in future prompt posts in this series? Fill out a quick three-question form!

Looking for corrections and tips on your writing? Just ask - someone might be passing through who can help! If you're not getting any here, try LangCorrect- and while you're there, look around and see if there's anyone else you can help out with your native or target language.


submitted by /u/Aietra
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from Góðan dag | Languagelearning https://ift.tt/2TWqkOl
via Learn Online English Speaking
