Should I make another Anki deck?

So I have a imported Anki deck for my target language: Persian. It has individual words with audio and the English translation on the back. No sentences. Sentences are ideal but my TL is tough to read since vowels aren’t written. So I like using this deck since I feel like it will help me facilitate reading and pronunciation the more I get through it.

It has 5,000 cards in it, as it’s the top 5,000 highly used vocab.

I know it's important to sentence mine with content from immersion. So should I just open a separate deck that I make on my own with sentence cards?

If so how much do you think would be a good amount to do from each deck? 10 from each? So 20 cards total?


submitted by /u/rubber_duck_7
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
