Help deciding on language (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese) and stop procrastinating?

I'm of a mixed race background and have been learning Japanese for a good while and plan to continue forward with it. But lately I've been wanting to pick up another language. I have Italian blood, but I also have Brazilian relatives by marriage, so I have been debating whether to learn Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish. Spanish because I already learned a bit in school as a child and I also work in the healthcare field (and live in the US) so Spanish would definitely be useful.

Any thoughts on this? I'm scared to start any of these languages because I fear wanting to learn another one and that being difficult and confusing once I know the other(s). Any suggestions on what order to learn these in, if I do eventually want to learn all three? What if I also have some interest in German, French (I also know a little of these)? Would the order need to change for any reason?

Thank you!!

submitted by /u/AuroraSelene2
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via Learn Online English Speaking
