Do you think it's possible to become fluent in a foreign language without actually living abroad?

Hello, folks!. As you might guess by my name, I'm a Korean guy who's just interested in (more precisely, obsessed with) learning English and a few other languages. I've been learning English only in Korea for like 5 years but I think my English skills are still so poor and I feel like I've sorta stopped making progress any further. So I've kind of grown sceptical that it is possible to learn and become fluent in a foreign language without actually moving abroad and living surrounded by native speakers of my target language. I believe there are limits to picking up a language just by reading books or watching English TV shows or movies, because it's lack of bilateral interaction between 2 or more parties, which is crucial in acquiring a language.

What do you guys think? Do you think it's possible to become fluent in a foreign language without full language immersion abroad?

Thanks for reading and sorry for my poor English if it caused you any inconvenience or pain!

submitted by /u/a_Korean_airman
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