No longer consuming media in native language

As the title indicates, I've been learning another language for a couple years now and I'm starting to reach a point where I can truly practice and benefit from watching shows, reading books, etc. The only problem is that my native language is English and while there is a plethora of content out there I'm interested in for English, there doesn't seem to be much that interests me in the language I'm actually learning (German). I'll concede that my German isn't currently good enough to pleasure read most books so I've stuck with graphic novels for the moment.

What I'm noticing is that when I could be watching a show I'm interested in that's in English, watching it dubbed in German just isn't appealing. Not because it's more challenging, but because the voices don't match with how I know the actors sound and things get lost in translation. Overall it's just a worse experience.

I wouldn't consider myself an avid reader but I read at least a few books a year and last year I used all of my motivation to read on German books because otherwise I wouldn't have practiced much.

Essentially I have a growing backlog of media I want to consume in English and I don't have enough time to do that and then a German equivalent. For those of you who also deal with this issue, what did you do?

submitted by /u/senorclean
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