Spanish or French?

Hi everyone, I'm having a problem of choosing between the 2 language to learn. I'm from Vietnam, I speak English fluently.

The problem is, I love Spanish, but French is the only language I can get a Minor Degree from my university. I can get a Spanish certificate by doing the international test from what I know.

Should I study the language I like or the one provides me with academic benefit? I know that where I work/live in the future may affect the decision and I can still study both but let not take them in consideration, yet.

So, from your perspective, do you choose to study the one that you love, which will motivate you to study it better; or the one that can provide a better degree, but might be hard to swallow?

The answer is pretty obvious to me, but I want to hear other opinions about this.

Thank you :)

submitted by /u/andrew__tran
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