Beginner/Intermediate German Video Sources

TLDR: Looking for adult oriented video that dumbs down German for beginners/intermediates

I've been speaking/learning German for probably the last 4-5 years (my wife is German) but I never really progressed past maybe advanced beginner. I can get along just fine with casual everyday stuff, but if a conversation gets past the basics or I watch a real TV show or movie, I get lost pretty quickly.

I'm working on trying to improve this and starting with LingQ and reading Harry Potter which so far has been great. However, I also want to incorporate video where I can (maybe replace a show at night with something German). There are a bunch of things on Netflix that I can watch in German, but I've found going directly to full adult German is too hard. If I don't have English subtitles, I'm quickly lost. If I do use English subtitles, I rely on them too much. In the US there isn't an option for German subtitles, but even if there was I'd be lost pretty quickly anyway.

I've looked on YouTube for some beginner things like German cartoons and those work great but....they're for kids, like kids kids. I don't necessarily MIND them, but they're also very boring (but yay, I can understand almost everything!).

Does anyone have some tips of maybe more adult oriented video out there that dumbs down the German but isn't farm animal cartoons bouncing around the screen?

submitted by /u/scottyent
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