How can I practice speaking English?

I like English and has been learning it since I was 6-7 years old. Now I'm 16 and can write in English but not speak it. In school if I need to speak it's only couple of sentences so that's not a lot. I watch loads of videos on YouTube in English but my pronounciation is really bad. If I speak to someone on Discord I feel bad because lot of the time I can't form a full sentence, they don't understand what I say. I considered making videos but threw the idea out the windows because of this. Next year I'll make the school leaving exam 1 year earlier, 2 years from now I will do a harder version of the school leaving exam of English. I really want to learn how to speak it, at the moment I'm literally afraid to speak it.

submitted by /u/Taffid
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from Тавтай морилогтун | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
