I am learning Russian and every single Russian speaking person I talk to almost has to ask why I am learning it.

I think it is like really tall or short people having to discuss their height. It gets old really fast and it is hard to not get frustrated or be a jerk about it after the 50th conversation about it. I think half of the people are just asking because it is rare and they think it is cool and the other half are suspicious of me and I probably have some nefarious reason to be learning it. Why is it so important?

Since I am a native English speaker, which languages could I have learned instead to not be asked why? Which other languages are you guys learning who also get asked why constantly?

submitted by /u/Robertooshka
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from Тавтай морилогтун | Languagelearning http://bit.ly/2H0c8A3
via Learn Online English Speaking
