As we approach the final hours of 2018, what were some great memories in your language learning experience? What are your resolutions for 2019?

I have great memories, as I just began learning languages extensively in 2017. This year, I turned 18, and I'm excited to say that for a high-schooler, I have achieved great, despite my fluke of a schedule.

I reached C2 in Spanish - This is my greatest moment

I began Russian this year in June - I hope to reach a high level by 2019 and maybe travel

I began Korean recently (Christmas time, actually) - I hope to find the time to progress in this language. It's great!

As 2019 approaches, I hope to see the following happen:

  • Begin to tutor in Spanish

  • Travel to a Latin American country or European Country

  • Start a new language (If my brain can handle it!)

Tell me about your year. What were some of your achievements?

submitted by /u/PornCheese
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from Тавтай морилогтун | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
