How can I memorize specific English words while I'm not in a English-speaking country?

I mean those specific and real items' English names, like apple, earpods, cumb, power strip, lip balm, etc...

I just realized that I see those items' names everyday but only in my language. When I meet a brand new thing that I may not know before, after I see its name or hear people talk about its name several times, I'll memorize it. But I can't know their English names or hear their English names from people around me.

I'm so tired of memorizing flash cards and tagging every item in my house with their English names.

PS: I tried to memorize 1000 words which were useful or I was interested in last month, and I made 700. But I couldn't continue to do it this month, it's so painful and hard.

submitted by /u/irenegresham
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from Тавтай морилогтун | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
