
Deep Binaural Beat LUCID DREAM Music | Fast Lucid Dreaming | 432 Hz Musi...

Trying to learn Spanish

Taking college classes + self-learning vs. just self-learning

How’s your 2021 plan? Almost the end of January and it seems my first month got off to a bad start

French-English Discord: Frenglish

What should I do, focus in a language for work or for hobby?

Does it matter if I am watching a show with audio in the language I'm learning but they are speaking another language on camera? like their lips are mouthing different words? Im not sure if this would mess me up or not just wondering

I feel stuck.

Wikipedia has a nice list of language proficiency tests.

Language Deciphering Chart

English>Korean or Chinese>Korean - which is harder, in your opinion?

How I use Extensive Reading & Audiobooks to become fluent

I record my conversations to catch my mistakes and help others learn Japanese.

are consonants produced the same in different languages? (IPA)

How to use Extensive Reading & Audiobooks to become fluent 7-Step Re-Reading Technique

Why is the goal watching TV to “just get the gist of it”?

Is there any comprehensible input?

Best app for free content?

My reading capability in Japanese isn't that great...

I am genuinely impressed with how good the app Busuu is (for French at least). My comprehensive review below:

How does your language express "love at first sight"?

how do you choose words that you are putting in your anki deck?

I’m struggling to remember/understand things in my second language.

Memorizing vocabulary faster by using GIFs as visual cues?

How do you study?

What language am I reading?

I Don't Know if I Can roll my Rs or Not

What do you find unusual/unique in your TL?

Bilingualism study

Can understand 100% but can’t speak

What language do you listen the most music in?

Some love for the many dialects of Sweden

Speaking or writing first?

Gargling day and night

Is it beneficial to learn a third language from the perspective of your second language, rather than from the perspective of your native language?

Can someone tell me why Chilean Spanish is so hard to understand?!?!

Looking for a particular website resource that I can’t find on wiki

How to start learning a language

Verbs in French

Is there anyone in this subreddit who knows about MPV player and scripts?

Hello! Are you frustrated with the current lack of resources for learning languages? If so, I am developing a more structured approach that integrates the best ways known to learn languages. However, I need your help. If you can, please answer (and share!) the form below. Thank you!

Assistance in Spanish.

What anki settings do you use?

English Spanish Language Exchange

recall vs recognition flashcards for learning kanji

Video: The Best Korean Anki decks

Memes pages on Instagram?

Learning Spanish

Books to learn West Frisian in English?

English speaker looking for Spanish friends to trade practice with

Is anyone fluent in Italian who would want to trade some lessons? I’m fluent in Spanish/English

Can you learn a language by watching Netflix? I made a free tool to help with just that! P.s. what other features would you find useful?

To those who started a blog about language learning -what was your inspiration?

Any tips to memorize and learn faster?

Those who were monolingual in their childhood: How many languages are you fluent in now (Are you fluent?), and which ones?

As requested heres a couple of phrases in my code, you're to try and figure it out!

Struggling to find motivation

I want to learn korean again!

Learning 2 languages by myself

Does anybody where to find Goethe Institute’s answer key for their Language Certificate Tests?

FSI Language Courses

Best (informal) way to learn Spanish as a fluent L2 Portuguese speaker?

Hardest book genre to read in another language?

Is C1 over kill?

Good Resources to Learn French

Should I put a comma after "Thank you" at start of sentence?

What are some of the most unique languages?

Would you rather take lessons from a native or non-native speaker?


I’ve prepared the ultimate guide on how to use the word DİYE in Turkish

Ridiculous resources

Learning programming in exchange for an interview in native English

Whats the best way to learn spanish? I ve heard of rosetta stone and duolingo but i dont think they re advanced enough for me to really learn spanish.

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”

As a wife of polyglot I can relate to this! What Spanish Words Does My Chinese Girlfriend Know?? || Mi Novia Intenta Hablar Español

Is anyone having problems with the app Drops?

Getting into German has been very frustrating

French audios

Learn Spanish, German, or Mandarin?

What should I do?

General advice needed

I need recommendations: Polish books/media

How should I study outside of the classroom?

How do you say “Happy New Year” in Esperanto?

How to best use my time in language school when in the target language country?

How can I practice the less common conjugations and more complex grammar rules?