
Exact Anki process?

Language exchange

Audio transcript in Edo

Learning 2 languages at the same time?

native language definition

Why does "tu" translate to "you" in so many languages?

Keep pressing the top of the recommended words in your target language (if you have a different keyboard)

Why does google translate suck?


Does people who study 3+ languages at the same time just procrastinate in a ”productive” way?

question about phonolgy bc i don't know where else to post

The rule of acquired taste

Language Learning-

Why can I never learn new languages?

Learning Hungarian on my own.

Need help improving my vocabulary learning system

Recent resources about Pirahã?

What are some jobs out there for language lovers besides being a translator?

Are there any other languages besides Turkish in the Middle East that use Latin alphabet?

Anyone ever learned with Alliance Francaise?

Frustration with learning

What are the linguistic examples in your language that show your language community view the world differently?

Ways to learn a new language for free?

Modals Past- be able

How do you say Hello, world! in your language?

How do y'all just pick up a language and remember it?

I'm a Tipperary man recently laid off, I have no licence or qualifications, I'm receiving treatment for opiate addiction, I owe to much rent and ibe started taking benzos to deal with the pain, almost took a razor blade to the throat but it would brake my family's hearts but recently comments from m


Looking for studies on colonized language spaces.

Reading books or concentrating solely on learning vocabulary?

Do you know any SRS app without AI voices?

Having a really hard time, need tips.

Don't miss the chance to sign up for ALTEC language classes!


How do you define “studying” a language?

Graduate programs for language learning — occupations for someone with a background in mental health?

A dream has shown me I made the right decision

Very specific problem, I can only cry in one language

What should language should I learn?

Open Source Android App - Translate Screen and Dictionary

As a racially ambiguous person, nobody really cares that I speak their language

Can I learn 3 languages as the same time, has anyone tried doing that?

How many units does Rosetta Stone have? Can I unlock more?

Overwhelmed on where to start / Comprehensible input vs fundamentals

Is anyone learning a language with textbook and youtube + duolingo?

how can i improve my speaking skills by myself

Best method to learn a new language while at work?

More than one language

Are flash cards useful or are there better ways to learn ?

Has anyone tried WorldsAcross?

Languages for the future?