How many units does Rosetta Stone have? Can I unlock more?

I know most people here don't like RS. But I had free access, and have found it very useful as one learning tool among several. I'm just looking for an answer to this specific question.

I've seen competing information online about how long the Spanish (Latin American) course is. Some people say it's 20 units total (each unit has 4 "Core Lessons" and lots of practice sessions). Others say that there are 5 levels, each of which has 20 units.

I just finished the 20th unit and assumed that that would unlock another "level" with more units. But it didn't automatically do so. I can't tell if I need to do something differently to unlock more, or if that's really the end of the program. (I only completed the core lessons, not all of the practice sessions, as I found that that was a much better pace.) Looking for an answer from someone who uses RS, and not just from Googling as different websites have different answers to this.


submitted by /u/Peak_Necessary
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
