Best method to learn a new language while at work?

For my career, learning Spanish would be extremely beneficial. I took 3 years in school and have a very basic understanding, but have never committed to learning. I have made attempts when I was younger (just for fun), but never stick to it. I believe the best option for me now is to request a learning course through my job. I am fortunate enough to work for a company that would be more than willing to fund this goal, and I believe doing it through my job would be the best way to keep me accountable.

I believe the best format would be for me to dedicate 1 hour near the end of my work day (maybe 2 or 3 times a week). I also think going to an in-person class at a local college would work too.

Given my busy schedule, do y'all know of any viable options for me to learn Spanish this way? As silly as it sounds, money isn't really an issue here. Probably won't be allowed to hire a private tutor but looking for a more hands-on learning resource than a simple DuoLingo or other apps like that.

submitted by /u/RipZealousideal7905
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