A dream has shown me I made the right decision

Let me start this by saying this is not a serious post but I want to share something that happened that I laughed about today.

I'll skip the bigger backstory but my favorite games are from Japan and so I've always wanted to know Japanese to know the original meanings of dialogues etc. We all know how things get lost in translations.

Due to my mental health I couldn't even manage to learn Kana, too unfocused and couldn't stick to a routine. So I had to get better first. I always felt sad about it because I know a fair bit of vocab from shows and games.

So here it is: years have passed, and now that I feel more ready, I've restarted Kana from scratch. (To my surprise I remember some still, but that's not the point of this post).

It's only been 2 days of learning Hiragana and last night I've already had a dream about them. Of me learning them and writing them. It was absolutely wild and mind-blowing. But also funny to me, it's as if my brain was telling me "it's about time!". So I playfully see it as a sign that I'm finally ready and made the right decision.

Hopefully that's true. I'm hype! :)

submitted by /u/Ill_Seaworthiness_46
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