
Im an experienced language learner learning Italian

In any language, how would you say "You must listen/ you need to listen to me now"

Language learning haxx0rz

Immersive Experience

To those who don't find flashcards effective for acquiring vocab, what other methods do you use that are successful?

Learning from your spouse

Would you like to learn Georgian?

Best paid language learning services

Unique word finder

Adding an accent

Croatian Prepositions: "U" or "NA"

Any English speakers want to also learn Hindi?

Trilingual people

"slurify"; I just coined this term

What is your opinion on Xiaomanyc?

Which Central/Eastern European minority languages are easier to learn/have the most resources?

How polite is your Target Language?

Any language discords?

Do multilingual people dream in alternating languages? Or does one usually dominate?

I hear Japanese has 3 writing systems(Hiragana, katakana, Chinese character). If so, English has 2 writing systems(small and capital letter). Is this true?

Easy Persian learning

someone is a whole package?

Year 12 enrolments in this language have halved in one school generation

Using textbooks for acquiring vocabulary.

Trouble pronouncing "r" after "t" or "d"

How difficult is Polish?

Late bilingualism

can anyone decipher this videos arabic letter please

Native English Speakers, does it demotivate you to learn another language since English is seen as a "world language"?


10 Warning Signs of Mold Toxicity Everyone Should Know

Why do people recommend listening for pronunciation? What's missing?

Wondering what American expressions are used in other languages?

Hi fellow language learners! 🤗 I made these Halloween themed vocabulary flashcards! They’re free to download and print out (: They were made with my target language but you’re able to print out the illustration side and handwrite the vocabulary of your target language 🤗 Happy learning!


Using video games as a medium to practice Italian…

básico 2 aprende a leer árabe la letra ث idioma árabe

Irish English

How can I learn loads of specialised vocabulary words quickly?

Icelandic as a first foreign language (that I’m very personally interested in) or something else

Hamburger or hamburger

If you could turn back time - Memorizing Vocab vs Sentence Mining?

Always wondered why there isn't a learn low saxon language on the sidebar..?

is using Google Translate in conversations a good idea?

Need some extra opinions to decide on what language to learn next.

Learning a new language, want to skip most busywork and jump right into a big novel

How to learn German online?

How Many Hours/Days Per Week Should I Study A Language?

What language level would a university education be able to get the average student?

Portuguese or Spanish

Next steps

Am I stupid for not being able to read Harry Potter book 1?

Top 7 Slavic mythological creatures

Do you have your phone set to your TL?

will the IELTS be difficult for me ? I'm sort of a native English speaker , i need the IELTS for studying in uni in Canada (currently in grade 12)


I started recently to listen to podcasts in my TL with episode transcript but i takes me roughly an hour to listen to 10 minutes to be able to understand every word and repeat the sentences enough to be able to understand every sentence , is that okay ?

Leave me alone 🥲

Learning spanish from scratch

Languages Ranked by Usefulness

A flashcard system that can pause days automatically?

It’s funny how our target languages rubs off on our native ones

Basement Schmasement

Living & Dormant Languages of the US & Canada by u/OctaviusIII

If you want to learn Chinese,just PM me,I am a native Chinese speaker,I am glad to help you

Is Greek worth learning?

Has Language Learning Made Anyone Else More Emapthetic Towards Foreign Students?

Easiest program to learn Spanish? Trying to learn due my soon to be wife’s Hispanic family

Lack of progress could mean you're choosing the wrong language.

How to prevent burnout?

Using the International Phonetic Alphabet

How do learn more Spanish when I don’t have that much time too ?

What app / website hasn’t been made?


How to simultaneously teach myself and my kids German?

Best language to learn in terms of future career

Language Learning Burnout

At what level does it become easy to maintain a language?

How do I learn French pronunciation without a teacher?

Anyone wants to learn swedish?

Has anyone used uTalk? Thoughts?

What's the best tool for reading in a foreign language on my (android) phone?

Do you have an interesting way to remember the words for “left” and “right” in the language you’re learning?

How do you learn languages at school in your country?

Personally i feel stuck in my learning journey, i alway spend more time thinking about the perfect ways to acquire the language than leaning&acquiring the language itself 😂

What are my chances?

Recommend ion for learn English speaking

"going to the Messiah" in Sheffield dialect

I’ve been fascinated over that Super Idol Chinese song lately, so here’s my attempt to sing it. How good is my pronunciation xD 😂?

Hi everyone, I was hoping someone could confirm that this is the correct translation for my uncle's name. It's almost entirely made up of unused sounds and I really want to get this right for a gift for him.

Stupid Guy talks about Clueless White People Speaking Hieroglyphs

Language learning

Spanish course: Listening Comprehension + SPANISH ONLINE QUIZ

Learning another language is good for your brain, even if you don't become fluent: study

What are some languages that are known to be messy in grammar, having more exceptions than rule-followers?.

Can someone please read this

How long would it take this individual to learn these languages?

I completed Babbel Spanish (Latin America), where should I go from here?

I just simply fell in love with Arbolan

Spanish tutor!

At what level can you easily talk about basic stuff?