To those who don't find flashcards effective for acquiring vocab, what other methods do you use that are successful?

I have been studying Spanish since 2021 started and I feel I've made good progress so far. I'm at the point where I can read a (easy - intermediate) piece of text and understand approximately 90% of the words. I'm at that weird point where I can read text easily but not be able to produce the same words / ideas off the top of my head, which I know the whole "output takes longer" thing.

After reading something, the words I don't know I'll add to a list to study. I don't find flashcards very effective, as I've tried using them to cement the words into long term memory but I still manage to lose them when I try to produce the word whether it's speaking or writing. I've tried writing the words in sentences via different contexts to add meaning to them which helps a bit, but I am open to other methods that people find useful, if anyone doesn't mind sharing them here.

submitted by /u/RabbiAndy
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