A flashcard system that can pause days automatically?

One of the reasons I don't use the vocabulary flashcard system named Anki... I take at least one day per week off, and I understand Anki keeps adding cards each day. I think it would also be demotivating to be punished for obeying a religious or cultural expectation to rest.

Is there a way to make Anki deliberately pause on Sundays, for example? The streak would then be consistently 6 days per week, each week. Its consecutive count should have a new name such as Adapted Streak, to differentiate it from the literal every day streak.

I am aware the Spaced Repetition features of a flashcard system would be affected.

App writers, I think there's a market here for a flexible flashcard app. Days off are programmed by the user (such as every Saturday), and it might also have a provision for pausing for the duration of a vacation (set in advance by the user, of course). Days off should be set in advance, not coming to the end of the day and deciding to mark the current day as a pause day.

submitted by /u/georgesrocketscience
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