
Are there any videos where Romance speakers speak their own languages to each other?

I can't enjoy clips with fake subtitles anymore, if I understand the real track

How to understand a phrase instead of words in Sicilian dialect?

Trying to learn Italian because my parents refused to teach me and my siblings

In a state of constant nervousness (?)

C'est une très jolie chanteuse, et bien sûr, une très jolie chanson.

What are some good entry books that teach a new language?

I wanna ask out this Finnish transfer student to homecoming!!

i understand hindi and punjabi, but how can i learn how to speak them?

Questions for netflix watchers who have noticed the difference in subtitles listed as "Spanish" versus "Spanish[CC]". --the latter seems to match the Spanish audio closely whereas the former doesn't. What shows/movies have you noticed with "Spanish [CC]" specifically?

In case you did not know tim doners youtube channel is active again

Did you ever leared a language from 2 others?

Learning French at university or elsewhere?

Just FYI for multiple language learners

Join and learn more languages

Which Native American languages are the most regular, and therefore, most easily learned by native English speakers?

Would love a transcript of this French song :)

Introducing Treader – AI Assisted Reading for Language Learning

Good apps for learning languages?

Your opinion on watching TV shows with English audio and subtitles in the language you're learning (for beginners)?

I got into Marrocan Rap music lately and noticed that they use numbers in the middle of their texts. Why is that?

How do you go from not knowing something to knowing something?

Legacy Glossika.

Do you feel like your personality changes once you learn a language?