How to understand a phrase instead of words in Sicilian dialect?

Both of my parents’ first language is Sicilian dialect. They didn’t teach me or my siblings because they didn’t want us to pick up on what they were saying, which I find very sad, but that’s a story for another time.

Over my 25 years I haven’t formally tried to learn, but have found myself picking up on a lot of what they say. Therefore I can understand a good 50% of regular conversation/vocabulary they use, but I can’t speak it myself. This may also be because my grandparents don’t speak any English so I’ve always grown up hearing the dialect at their house and when my mom talks to my grandma on the phone.

Even though my vocabulary understanding isn’t so bad, there’s one phrase I can’t quite figure out even with google translate. Maybe I’m spelling it wrong. It sounds like: “cusí cusí posto perdi.” I’m thinking it’s something like “it is what it is.”

Can someone tell me if I’m right or wrong, and if wrong, what it means?

submitted by /u/breeyoncewerk
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from Selamat datang | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
