
What Language Should I Learn?

Why are dubs easier to understand than original audio in movies?

TL can’t keep up with my thoughts in my native language?

I want to improve my speaking skills to be impactful as in my native tongue

How to take care of two dwindling heritage tongues? Should I even bother?

Listening comprehension - how to finally unlock

At what level can one start a new language?

Trouble with Korean vocab but good at Chinese and Japanese

Anyone want to help practice/teach languages to each other?

What common errors (spoken or written) do native speakers often make that might confuse someone trying to learn your language?

In the past years I've gone from being able to come up with spontaneous speeches to barely being able to form two connected sentences while speaking, kinda as if I am losing the ability to speak. I speak both German and English. What could I do to improve my spoken languages actively?

Stuck at home with your kids? Maybe this playlist of educative children's songs in English can help?

How would one hypothetically split up the FSI's hour estimates?

For those who have used Duolingo for awhile, do you think paying for it would be worth it?

How can I get better on English language?

Is there ever a point where you feel like you’re speaking in your native language? If so, what is it like and how did you get there?

Advice required on using audiobooks to improve accent and rhythm

What are your best advices or strategies to improve listening skills?

does anyone know good french shows for beginners/intermediate speakers on netflix?

Hesitating when asked 'say something' in your target?