Hesitating when asked 'say something' in your target?

This is a common and frustrating situation for every language learner. It goes a little something like this:

Me: mentions something about learning a language

Friend: "Oh you speak x language that's so cool, say something"

Me: Oh well uh.. "hi (in target language)".. um..."how are you".. ah.

The hesitation used to frustrate me as I was conversationally fluent in my TL and had no trouble speaking with natives, but whenever asked to simply 'say something' I didn't know what to reply with, which made me look incompetent.

The way to solve this problem is to simply create a set response for this question. Make it a couples of sentences long and memorise it. Next time you're asked to 'say something', your smooth response will be sure to impress.

It's not a big thing but it has helped in many occasions!

submitted by /u/x2kCheese
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