Listening comprehension - how to finally unlock

I’ve been learning Polish for around 3 years now, but my listening comprehension is still terrible. Unless I know someone is talking to me and I’m 100% focussed I usually don’t grasp what they said. Equally I don’t really grasp much from TV.

I hear the words, so I’ve passed the point where it’s just noise, but my brain doesn’t seem to turn the words into meaning. It’s like it’s stuck or lazy or something. It’s the same when someone speaks to me when I wasn’t expecting it - I might hear the words but I have to ask them to repeat it so I can force my brain to understand it.

Can anyone relate? What the way past this point? People tell me it’s just a case of more exposure to hearing the language. I’ve been trying that with more TV in recent months but I still find I only hear the words but don’t grasp meaning.

submitted by /u/Vonatar-74
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