In the past years I've gone from being able to come up with spontaneous speeches to barely being able to form two connected sentences while speaking, kinda as if I am losing the ability to speak. I speak both German and English. What could I do to improve my spoken languages actively?

As the title states, my spoken languages have degraded in quality.

Words I used to pronounce without struggles (e.g. "Sage's Mask") are now absolutely difficult. Sometimes I need a couple seconds to come up with a full answer to someone's question. When I want to say something, I'd sometimes come up with different sentences to say the same thing before I actually say anything, and then I mix them all up whilst I'm speaking, causing quite many grammatical errors. I'd suddenly forget names for people and objects that I'd usually know. When I can't come up with the correct word for something I just end up making up a neologism for it, which is often considered weird. It even goes so far that my speech gets a little slurred (suddenly speaking "s" as a "th"/"f" sometimes, or that I'd speak in the local dialect that I usually don't use because I dislike it. I grew up with German as my main language, and I learned English through games. Although I still use German most of the time, it feels like my English is far better by now (though I still consider my English rather bad). My typing is "fine", because I can correct it at any time if I happen to make mistakes, and I don't need to really think long to type out something.

I usually try correcting myself to get rid of mistakes, but it doesn't really help anymore, and I'd often just repeat the same mistake over and over. For example, the "Sage's Mask" I mentioned above is an item in a video game that I often play with mates. I've probably said it thousands of times before, but as of a couple days ago I just struggle pronouncing it fluently, and it took me about 5-6 attempts until I finally got it right - and this issue occurred with many other words as well.

Also tried learning some tongue twisters like "the whiskey mixer mixes whiskey in the whiskey mixer bar" because I thought that might help with pronouncing specific letters properly. Didn't help as well. I read some books and articles from different authors with different writing styles out loud to see if that would help - but that didn't do anything as well.

I have no idea how my quality of speaking has degraded so extremely within the past years, but I'd really like to improve it again because I can't stand it. Do you have any tips, tricks, or anything else that could help me "regain" my ability to speak properly?

submitted by /u/ShivajinChris
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