
Should i learn Italian or German?

Which language to learn? Choosing between Spanish, German and Dutch

Need help with verbs when they end with -는다.

My language learning story

What language level should I be going into AP Spanish language?

Oops 😬

How hard would it be for me (26yo) to learn my native language if my parents will teach me?

I’m interested in some languages, but I need some help ^^*

Website with cantonese subtitles?

What are some good ways to become fluent in japanese

Me and my friend are in a argument over the pronunciation of semi

Searching someone to talk to

Has anyone had any experience trying to switch the language they use at home?

Was a certain language (to you) much simpler than others for no real explained reason?

Why don't Sweden makes Arabic an official language?


Which language are you glad you’ve learned from a pop culture perspective?

Learning via a frequency list

Australian accent training?

I have.a question out of curiosity