My language learning story

Early this morning I was in my daily dose of learning interesting stuff and I found out that there's a technique to learn Spanish called "Spanglish", in which every word you know in Spanish you actually pronounce them in Spanish and those that you do not know, you talk to them in English...

This was actually rare not in the way you're imagining, but as a "Wait... I have done this"

This is exactly the technique I used to learn English, just viceversa, every word of English I knew I speaked it, and those that I didn't, I just pronounced them in Spanish.

I learned this not by investigating, but because of middle-school and a recurring joke between my friends, we used to say "Open the window para que la mosca fly" and we laughed our arses off because it was so weird, we designed this because we just learned in an English lesson (Lessons I took for 10 years of my life and ended up retaining only like 20 words) we just learned that Mosca, was actually Fly... but volar... was fly too...

We had fun with those things and a couple of years earlier I said... This might work, the words that I have ever been able to remember to perfection was Open, Window, and Fly (A verb, a subject and a living thing the phrase can be directed to)

I then started, and for example used subtitles to my favorite Spiderman shows of Netflix in the early 2013.

When I learned a super-awesome name for a move in English, I would copy it in a little page of a book and lil' 8 year old me just screamed those words with my Spiderman mask on and fight with my pillows until I ended up panting and go get a drink while telling my mom how I defeated those terrifying villains.

I unvoluntarely started mixing up words with Spanish just because Spiderman said them and they were cool.

I reached a proficiency around 2015, the year I moved from my birthplace, every school I got into, was amazed, the reason? I talked English, I would've talked in a sucky, awkward way but I would still talk better than everyone, and saw that I could understand what people were saying in shows even if I accidentally change the spoken language to english.

The real challenge came in 2017, High School, (At my country, most people enter High-School at 12-13 years old) I was growing my vocabulary at an abnormal range, the conjugations and tenses came naturally as I learned them in English mandatory classes but weren't struggling a bit thanks to the tons of times I've heard my favorite superheroes and comedians saying them.

Samuel Völkl, an exchange student from USA that had obvious roots with Austria, only talked in English, couldn't talk anything else, he was a basic outcast as nobody could communicate with him due to the unability in the first place...

I decided to befriend him and actually... it was not a big deal, I could communicate really well with him... then I realized that I basically were in a Language Speaking level of fluent proficiency.

That's when I realized I came a long way, and all I had to do was thinking I was Spiderman (Plus some other things, but you get the idea.)

How was your language learning story? I would love to know, I think this kind of posts could be very interesting to read, so I might just give the start of it.

submitted by /u/-Llama58-
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from Sveiki | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
