What are some good ways to become fluent in japanese

So here's the story. I downloaded duolingo so i could learn Japanese because i have an interest in the language and culture. I did my research into duolingo so i know i won't get fluent from the app but it will help with practicing and such. Everyone I've seen talk about the app says you should find other sources to use while using the app so you can properly learn languages.

Which brings me to my problem... i have absolutely no idea where to start looking. I don't just want to learn the basics of japanese (im so far just starting to learn) i want to be able to become fluent in the language. What should i be doing in order to learn better? Is there any books, websites or anything else i should look into so i can learn the language better? Due to the whole pandemic going on i don't think I'd be able to find any classes in my area (even if i did i don't think I'd be able to afford it) so what is some good material to study at home to learn the language?

submitted by /u/Amythest_Grapevine
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